Sustainable Burien Gathering
Sunday, February 12, 2012
A developing sustainable garden/farm located in Burien (call 243-9366 for address)
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Rather than having our regular monthly meeting at the library on February 12th, we will be gathering at the private home of two of our members. They have created many raised beds, planted berries and fruit trees, built a green house/chicken coop, and have been experimenting with beekeeping. We will be learning pruning techniques with Bill Wanless of Brooke/Wanless Gardens. He will demonstrate how to prune new and old fruit trees and shrubs. We will also have a biochar stove demonstration. Come and see what you may be able to create in your own garden.
Other Upcoming Events:
Bird Count – Feb 17-20. Some SuBu members will be participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count, and we invite others to join in the activity. It’s simple to do and only takes 15 minutes! Here’s a link:
Our March meeting will be on March 18th. It will be held on the 3rd Sunday rather than the 2nd, and will be a joint presentation by Sustainable Burien and Environmental Science Center on Rain Gardens and Low Impact Development. We will be sending out detailed information soon.