Sustainable Burien Gathering
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Burien KCLS Library
2:00pm – 4:00pm
doors open at 1:30
Garden Sustainably with Native Plants.
Our June speaker is Jean Spohn, who will show us how native plants have evolved together to nourish and sustain the soil, the air and all of the native animals that live in the Pacific Northwest. She will show photos and bring some native plants with her to the presentation.
Jean is a Board Member and Program Chair for the Environmental Science Center, a member of City of Burien Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, a Volunteer Steward for Salmon Creek Ravine through City of Burien’s Adopt-a-Park program, and a Land and Watershed Steward.
Bring your questions about gardening with native plants. There may be adoptable native plants available.
Come join us for learning, exploring and more…